Jude Opara Memorial Old Peoples Home

The establishment of Jude Opara Memorial Old Peoples Home was necessitated by the frequent death report of our people at home which was rising in an alarming rate and if nothing is done, it will get to a point that in villages there will only be children without parents. This is to say that the greater number of our elders will no longer be seen in a short while as a result of lack of quality care and medical attention. Thinking about the kind of abandonment our elderly people experience in Nigeria, the Founder was touched to do something. She first started with a free medical outreach program for the elderly people in her community of birth, which she still runs from time to time.

The first day I came to this facility, I was amazed with the kind of thing I saw here. In my narrow-mindedness, I asked whether the founder doesn’t know what to do with money but I later realized that she was fulfilling her calling. She just has a great passion for charity and I see a Mother Theresa in her. It is in her to be a source of relief to those whose lives are characterized with abandonment by giving them a better home. It will be highly regrettable that we should allow this great idea of our sister to go into extinction because if such a thing happens, I bet you, the universe may not be happy with us. Let us therefore, join hands together to promote the services of Jude Opara Memorial Old Peoples Home.


It requires our time, moral support and an extension of charity towards the elders in the home. I want to assure everyone that being in this home doesn’t mean abandonment.

Apart from having accommodation for the elderly people, we also run home-care services to the elderly people in their various homes. We don’t just go there to keep them company, we also ensure that they keep to proper medication as well as ensuring that their dwelling place is good for their health. Also we give special attention to people living with Diabetes and high blood pressure. Our foreign drugs will go a long way in keeping them safe and healthy.